Voila comment modifier le formulaire de recherche Drupal pour ajouter les CSS et le texte que l'on souhaite :
* Override or insert PHPTemplate variables into the search_theme_form template.
* @param $vars
* A sequential array of variables to pass to the theme template.
* @param $hook
* The name of the theme function being called (not used in this case.)
function montheme_preprocess_search_theme_form(&$vars, $hook) {
// Modify elements of the search form
$vars['form']['search_theme_form']['#title'] = t('Recherche sur mon site');
// Set a default value for the search box
$vars['form']['search_theme_form']['#value'] = t('Entrez ici votre recherche');
// Add a custom class to the search box
$vars['form']['search_theme_form']['#attributes'] = array('class' => t('customsearch'));
// Change the text on the submit button
$vars['form']['submit']['#value'] = t('Rechercher');
// Rebuild the rendered version (search form only, rest remains unchanged)
$vars['search']['search_theme_form'] = drupal_render($vars['form']['search_theme_form']);
// Rebuild the rendered version (submit button, rest remains unchanged)
$vars['search']['submit'] = drupal_render($vars['form']['submit']);
// Collect all form elements to make it easier to print the whole form.
$vars['search_form'] = implode($vars['search']);
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